Category French culture

Learn French with Victor Hugo 

Apprendre le français avec Victor Hugo : un voyage littéraire et linguistique

Learning French with Victor Hugo: a literary and linguistic journey Victor Hugo, the emblematic figure of French literature, is much more than just a great writer. His rich and varied works provides a valuable resource for those who want to…

Why are the French protesting ?

At the beginning of 2023, the media talked a lot about the French protests. Why are the French protesting ?  There are deep-rooted reasons for the French “culture” of protesting and going on strikes. Firstly, we have to talk about…

5 most famous French cheeses


The French are the biggest consumers of cheese in the world. We enjoy it between the main course and dessert and also incorporate it in iconic dishes such as tartiflette, aligot or croque-monsieur.  French cheeses are the pride of the…

La galette des Rois : history and traditions

Le 6 janvier est le jour de l’Épiphanie. C’est aussi ce jour-là que se déguste la galette des Rois dans plusieurs pays du monde. C’est une tradition française qui régale chaque année les gourmands. La galette peut être un gâteau…

Traditional French Christmas Dishes

In this article, I will help you discover the traditional French Christmas dishes. The Christmas meal is a tradition dear to us French. It is an occasion to gather the family around a well decorated table and a lot of…